weight lossDr. Marcantel offers several detoxification and diet plans that can be tailored to fit your needs, preferences, and goals.

Please note: These medically supervised programs are offered to existing patients of Dr. Marcantel. Prospective participants must first be admitted to our services and medically evaluated to determine if this is an appropriate approach to weight loss for them. Initial laboratory testing may be suggested or required before starting any of these programs to ensure the patient’s safety and long-term success.

Detoxification is a concept that has become important when talking about general health and fitness. Often as patients begin a new effort to try to restore their bodies to balance and health their health professionals will urge them to follow a detoxification regimen to help boost that healing process. So what is detoxification, why is it necessary, and how do we go about it? Learn about it in our article on “Detoxification.”

14-Day Detox Plan

Dr. Marcantel has put together a gentle but effective 14-day detoxification program for her patients. She has chosen a combination of supplements that will

  • absorb and eliminate toxins and improve colon health
  • support healthy liver function and detoxification

The program also includes probiotics to re-establish healthy normal gut flora that supports proper digestion and elimination of waste, along with a liver pack that stimulates detoxification via the lymphatic system and the liver system. Another important part of the program is an individualized meal plan to help promote the elimination of toxins from the body while helping to develop good nutritional habits.

6-Week Reset Weight Loss Program

Imbalance of our stress and/or thyroid hormones can contribute to weight gain or difficulty in losing weight. With this plan Dr. Marcantel introduces food in 3 stages to reset your hormones, promoting weight loss and weight maintenance. This meal plan will reset hormones and balance blood sugars, resulting in decreased food cravings and increased metabolism. Appropriate individualized supplements will also be a part of this program to increase overall metabolism.

How to Get Started

Are you a patient of Dr. Marcantel and interested in trying a program but you’re not sure which to choose? You might want to schedule a 15-minute phone appointment to discuss your options with Dr. Marcantel. Once you decide, you can schedule a follow-up visit to get started.

Interested in a program but not yet a patient of Dr. Marcantel? You’ll first need an initial visit and assessment (and possibly some lab testing). Why? Because Dr. Marcantel’s first concern for you is your health and long-term success. If your hormones are out of balance or you have other physical problems that have not been properly addressed, no diet plan will work for you in the long run. For more information, read Dr. Marcantel’s article, “Before You Start Your Diet, Get a Proper Medical Evaluation.” To learn about becoming a patient of Dr. Marcantel, please visit our New Patients page.