Control Stress for Better Health
In this brief video clip from a recent lecture by Dr Marcantel, she discusses why it's important to control stress in our lives to maintain good physical health.
In this brief video clip from a recent lecture by Dr Marcantel, she discusses why it's important to control stress in our lives to maintain good physical health.
Preventative care means recognizing risk factors and taking steps to maintain health and avoid future health problems when possible.
The "river of health" analogy can help us understand why our bodies lose resistance to some health challenges and how we can improve our overall health.
Herbal teas have been used for their medicinal effects for thousands of years. For those seeking natural help for many common health issues, herbal teas are regaining popularity today—and there’s something so soothing about taking your “medicine” as a nice, warm brew!
Vitamins can be an important complement to a good overall diet plan, but it is important to understand that there is no one "magic potion in a bottle."