How IV Therapy Can Benefit YOU
Intravenous therapy or IV therapy is useful in safely delivering vitamins and medications that can be quickly and efficiently absorbed into the body.
Intravenous therapy or IV therapy is useful in safely delivering vitamins and medications that can be quickly and efficiently absorbed into the body.
Having a positive self image is an important part of the healing process.
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Food sensitivity testing (or food intolerance testing) can be a very helpful tool to identify foods that can trigger a wide range of troublesome symptoms.
Hormone imbalances can cause problems for men just as they do for women.
Cooperation among physicians from all the different healing disciplines is important.
The ZRT Saliva Test is an easy and accurate way to measure female and male hormone balances or imbalances.
A key concept to a successful patient/doctor relationship is active teamwork. I always tell my patients that, “You will help me to help you.” Here are five ways to get the most out of a working relationship with your physician.
When you stop blaming others for your feelings and actions you take back the power to control your own life.
A good patient/doctor relationship is essential when you are trying to identify root causes of your health issues.