Imagine: A Whole Different Kind of Medical Care

By Dr. Tina Marcantel,
with Peter Marcantel, M.Ed.

$7.99 (eBook)

  • Publisher: WME Books September 2012

You can purchase this book in PDF format through




You should own this book if you..

*…believe in taking a proactive role in your own health maintenance
*…want to learn more about the naturopathic approach to healthcare (or introduce your friends to naturopathy)
*…want to learn simple, practical approaches to help you get and stay healthy
*…want to learn about the roles various hormones play in your body and how to keep them properly balanced
*…want to learn in easy-to-understand language about the causes and treatments for chronic conditions such as hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, and fibromyalgia
*…want a good selection of healthy recipes to enjoy


Cold hands and feet may be a sign of a thyroid condition.



Do you always have cold hands and feet? Learn why that may be a sign of low thyroid function and why your medical doctor may have missed this diagnosis with a conventional laboratory test.



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Always tired but at the same time feeling nervous energy? Learn why “tired and wired” is a common symptom of adrenal fatigue. Dr. Marcantel explains methods of diagnosis and treatment.




Food Sensitivities_3 copy


Learn the difference between food allergies and food sensitivities and why certain foods could be drastically affecting your health in ways you may have never imagined!



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Hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia–by now everyone knows these frustrating symptoms are part of perimenopause and menopause. Learn about SAFE ALTERNATIVES to traditional hormone replacement therapy to help alleviate these symptoms.


In Dr. Marcantel’s new book you’ll ALSO learn:

  • Why taking a holistic approach to medical care and seeking out root causes of health challenges is more effective than simply treating individual symptoms.
  • How hormonal imbalances can cause symptoms related to chronic fatigue, under active thyroid, PMS, unwanted weight gain, insomnia, menopausal symptoms, and other chronic health conditions.
  • Why stress management and healthy thinking are important for maintaining good physical health.
  • How to establish a patient/doctor relationship that gives you an active role in your health care plan.


You’ll also find more than 20 pages of healthy eating tips, healthy food “fun facts,” and healthy recipes–from soups and salads to snacks and appetizers to main dishes to smoothies!

What They’re Saying:

  • Imagine: A Whole Different Kind of Medical Care is the guide I wish I’d had when beginning my naturopathic journey years ago. The book is an outstanding introduction to what naturopathic medicine really is, and covers many areas so often ignored in today’s typical medical climate. With her extensive background in both western and naturopathic medicine, Dr. Marcantel is uniquely qualified as an expert, sharing her knowledge and encouragement to finding the right balance of care for each individual’s medical health. Once you start reading, you’ll recognize yourself everywhere throughout the book. You won’t be able to put it down.”
    Michele Miller
    Author of The Soccer Mom Myth
  • Imagine: A Whole Different Kind of Medical Care is a must have book for women who are seeking a higher level of well being in their wellness journey. Whether for weight management, pain management or a holistic view of health as pathway to happiness, Dr. Marcantel’s book will put you in the driver’s seat and give you the information and tools to discover your own pathway to well being. I love the book and will be referring to it in our radio shows and written articles.”
    Kelley Connors, MPH

    The Brand Engagement Champion in Women’s Health
  • If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you feel trapped by a medical system that relies more on lab tests than on patient input, you need to read Imagine: A Whole Different Kind of Medical Care. This highly readable book by naturopath Dr. Tina Marcantel (with husband Peter Marcantel, M.Ed.) empowers readers to take charge of their own health with detailed information and compassionate inspiration. Dr. Marcantel describes common problems with hormone imbalance, thyroid function, adrenal fatigue and fibromyalgia. Using her knowledge of traditional and non-traditional therapies, she offers ways to address these problems from a variety of angles without prescribing one “right” approach for everyone. Her caring, direct approach made me feel understood and energized. This book helped me see that I am not going crazy – it’s possible to have medical problems that go undetected on standard lab tests – and there is another way to wellness. Now I’m eager to continue my journey to better health. Thanks, Dr. Marcantel!
    Heidi Smith Luedtke, Ph.D.
    Personality psychologist and author of Detachment Parenting
  • If you’re living your life going from doctor to doctor and specialist to specialist only to be told, ‘We can’t find anything wrong with you…” If you’re feeling like you’re losing your mind from being unable to find answers to why you feel so lousy and why everything hurts all the time…This book is for you. I can say without any dramatic flare that Dr. Marcantel saved my life. After exhausting a multitude of painful tests and a plethora of ‘the best’ specialists, I had gotten to the point that I was going to let a pain clinic severe nerves just so I could have a decent quality of life. Literally, within days of seeing Dr. M. I found answers to heart arrhythmia (which eluded heart specialists for months!), exhaustion, joint and bone pain, etc. Dr. M. allowed me to be active in my own healing while supplying the knowledge, supplements and medications I needed to get my chronic illness under control. It is a battle I fight to this day, and I will for the rest of the my life, but Dr. M. (and her wonderful, different book) gave me insights, choices and information that I was unable to find for OVER twenty years! And if you’re looking for some answers, do yourself a favor and purchase this book now. I hope it helps you find the answers that you are seeking. I hope it helps you find a better quality of life. Thank you Dr. M.
    Jenny Matlock

Take a look inside the book and read some sample pages.
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Order one for yourself and one for a friend you’d like to introduce to naturopathic medicine!